Τhe online bibliography that Boaventura de Sousa Santos promised us
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2021) “MyLawandModernizationJourney”, REI – Revista Estudos Institucionais, v. 7, nº 2, 768-792.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2021), “Some thesesondecolonizinghistory“, Seminar, 743, July 2021, 16-24.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2020), “TheAlternative to Utopia Is Myopia”, Politics&Society, Vol. 48(4) 567-584.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2020), “Metaphors in progress”, Seminar, 733, September 2020, 22-26.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2017), “Uncertainty, between Fear and Hope“, The CLR James Journal, 23, 1/2, 5-11.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2017), “The Resilience of Abyssal Exclusions in Our Societies: Toward a Post-Abyssal Law” – Montesquieu Lecture, Tilburg Law Review, 22, 237-258.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2016), “Epistemologies of the South and the Future“, From the European South: a transdisciplinary journal of postcolonial humanities, 1, 17-29.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2012), “Public Sphere and Epistemologies of the South“, Africa Development, Vol. XXXVII, Nº 1, 43-67.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2012), “The University at a Crossroads”, Human Architecture: Journal of the Sociology of Self-Knowledge, X, Issue 1, Winter 2012, 7-16.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2011), “Portugal: Tales of Being and not Being“, Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies, 19/20, 399-443.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2010), “The European University at Crossroads“, Oficina do CES, 355.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa; Meneses, Maria Paula (2009), “Mozambique: TheRiseof a Micro Dual State“, Africa Development, XXXIV, 3-4, 129–166.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2009), “A Non-Occidentalist West?: Learned Ignorance and Ecology of Knowledge“, Theory, Culture & Society, 26(7-8), 103-125. Special Issue Occidentalism: Jack Goody and Comparative History.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2009), “Portugal: Tales of Being and not Being”,Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies, 20, 1-46.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2009), “If God were a Human Rights Activist: Human Rights and the Challenge of Political Theologies”, Law Social Justice and Global Development, 1. Festschrift for UpendraBaxi.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2009), “Why Has Cuba Become a Difficult Problem for the Left?”, Latin American Perspectives, 166, Vol. 36 – nº 3, 43-53. Specialissueon Cuba.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2008), “The World Social Forum and the Global Left“, Politics & Society, 36, 2, 247-270.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2007), “Beyond Abyssal Thinking: From Global Lines to Ecologies of Knowledges“, Review, XXX, 1, 45-89.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2006), “The Heterogeneous State and Legal Pluralism in Mozambique“, Law & Society Review, 40, 1, 39-75.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2006), “Globalizations“, Theory, Culture&Society, 23, 2-3, 393-399.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2005), “The Future of the World Social Forum: The Work of Translation“, Development, 48, 2, 15-22.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa; Nunes, JoãoArriscado (2004), “Introduction: Democracy, Participation and Grassroots Movements in Contemporary Portugal“, South European Society & Politics, 9, 2, 1-15.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2002), “The processes of globalization“, Eurozine, 68/14, December.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2002), “Between Prospero and Caliban: Colonialism, Postcolonialism, and Inter-identity“, Luso-Brazilian Review, 39, 2, 9-43.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2001), “Toward an Epistemology of Blindness: Why the New Forms of ‘Ceremonial Adequacy’ neither Regulate nor Emancipate“, The European Journal of Social Theory, 4, 3, 251-279.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2001), “Nuestra America: Reinventing a Subaltern Paradigm of Recognition and Redistribution“, Theory, Culture and Society, 18, 2-3.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2020),“Toward an Aesthetics of the Epistemologies of the South. Manifesto in Twenty-Two Theses”, in Santos, Boaventura de Sousa; Meneses, Maria Paula (eds.), Knowledges Born in the Struggle: Constructing the Epistemologies of the Global South. New York and London: Routledge, 117-125.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2020), “Decolonizing the University”, in Santos, Boaventura de Sousa; Meneses, Maria Paula (eds.), Knowledges Born in the Struggle: Constructing the Epistemologies of the Global South. New York and London: Routledge, 219-239.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2020), “A New Vision of Europe. Learning from the Global South”, in Santos, Boaventura de Sousa; Mendes, José Manuel (eds.), Demodiversity: Toward Post-Abyssal Democracies. TowardPost-AbyssalDemocracies. New York and London: Routledge, 31-53.
Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2017) “Creating a Distance from the Western-Centric Political Imagination”, in Hlavajova, Maria and Sheikh, Simon (orgs.) FORMER WEST: Art and the Contemporary After 1989. Utrecht: BAK, basis actuelekunst; MA, London: MIT Press, 353-368.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2017), “Una Nueva Visión de Europa: Aprender del Sur Global“, in Santos, Boaventura de Sousa, Mendes, José Manuel (eds.) Demodiversidad. ImaginarNuevasPosibilidadesDemocráticas. Madrid: Akal, 59-92.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2016), “The University at a Crossroads“, in Grosfoguel, Ramon, Hernández, Roberto, Velásquez, Ernesto (eds.) Decolonizing the Westernized University. Lanham, Boulder: Lexington Boosk, 3-14.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2015), “Towards a Socio-Legal Theory of Indignation”, in Baxi, Upendra; McCrudden, Christopher; Paliwala, Abdul (eds.) Law’s Ethical, Global and Theoretical Contexts. Essays in Honour of William Twining. Cambridge: Cambridge UniversityPress.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2013), “Human Rights: A Fragile Hegemony”, inCrépeau, Françoisande Sheppard, Colleen, Human Rights and Diverse Societies: Challenges and Possibilities. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 17-25.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2010), “The University in the Twenty-first Century: Toward a Democratic and Emancipatory University Reform” in Apple, Michael, Ball, Stephen and Gandin, Luis Armando (eds.), The Routledge International Handbook of the Sociology of Education. Abingdon: Routledge, 274-282.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa, Carlet, Flávia (2010), “The movement of landless rural workers in Brazil and their struggles for access to law and justice” in Ghai, Yash and Cottrell, Jill (eds.) Marginalized Communities and Access to Justice. Abingdon: Routledge, 60-82.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2010), “From the Postmodern to the Postcolonial – and Beyond Both”, in Rodríguez, Encarnación Gutiérrez, Boatca, Manuela, Costa, Sérgio (eds.) DecolonizingEuropeanSociology. TransdisciplinaryApproaches. Farnham: Ashgate, 225-242.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2009) “El Foro Social Mundial y el Auto-aprendizaje: la Universidad Popular de los Movimientos Sociales”, in Salgado, José Gandarilla (ed.) La Universidad en la encrucijada de nuestro tiempo. México: UNAM, 161-171.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (2009), “Toward a multicultural conception of human rights“, in Isa, Felipe Gómez and Feyter, Koen (Eds.), International Human Rights Law in a Global Context, Bilbao: University of Deusto, 97-121.