Tag: #memory-monuments
Notes on an Anticolonial Athens
There’s a history that flickers and never fully comes into focus. An anticolonial Athens.
The City Talks Back — Circular Movements: Imagining an Anticolonial Athens
A radio conversation, an anticolonial imagination.
Anti-tour as Decolonizing Methodology
This webinar brought together decolonial activist groups, cultural workers and academics from Tanzania, Germany, Italy and Greece who have experimented with the anti-tour as a practice of grassroots pedagogy and political intervention.
The Ottoman Acropolis: Entangled Biographies, Shared Heritage
In this discussion, part of a series of activities on Decolonizing the Acropolis, we presented and discussed the historical, archaeological, architectural, artistic, and other evidence on the Ottoman lives of the Acropolis landscape
Bicentennial Celebration[s] of Nation[s], Revisited
In 1988, Australia marked the bicentenary of two hundred years of European settlement. The Australian bicentenary sparked a public contestation over how to frame the nation’s history.
Defacement and/as Historical Redress
In 1963 the Order of AHEPA (Greek Organization of Americans of Hellenic Descent) commissioned Felix de Weldon, the sculptor of the iconic Iwo Jima memorial in Arlington